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The NetStep™ Solution
Are your products truly custom-made?
We proudly state that our in-house staff of fully qualified podiatrists and experts based in Barcelona custom-makes and manufactures all of our orthotics. No need to worry!
What is the right NetStep™ orthotics for me?
NetStep™ offers orthotics and custom insoles for all foot and lower body problems, different occasions, and shoe types. To discover the best orthotics for you, visit our website.
What kind of pain and conditions does NetStep™ orthotics treat?
NetStep™ orthotics help treat different pain such as knee pain, foot pain, etc. Our custom insoles are also built for every environment. Whether you’re out for a hike or busy at the office, there’s a NetStep™ orthotics.
Will I feel immediate relief once I wear the product?
No, that would be some magic. Typically, adaptation to NetStep™ orthotics takes about two weeks.
What NetStep™ orthotics size should I buy?
NetStep™ orthotics are made to accommodate various shoe sizes. We recommend purchasing a size that corresponds to your specific shoe size for the best fit. Men’s insoles are usually in sizes 8 to 13, while women’s insoles range between 6 to 10.
Do I need to trim or repair my NetStep™ orthotics?
No need! NetStep™ orthotics are built using your feet’s exact shape and mold. So throw away your scissors because you won’t need them!
How long does NetStep™ orthotics last?
NetStep™ orthotics are built and designed to last long in any given setting. But due to regular use and rigorous activities, they’ll still wear over time.
My podiatrist recommended a specific diagnosis. Will NetStep™ still work with me?
Of course! When you go through our free online diagnosis, you’re free to share the diagnosis with your podiatrist.
Do you have a kiosk where I can personally shop?
We’re currently operating online. But rest assured that we’ll be having a physical shop soon!