Morton’s Toe
Morton’s Toe

Morton’s toe develops when the nerve in the space between the toe bones becomes inflamed. Its symptoms include pain between your toes and feeling like you’re stepping on a pebble. Medication, injections, and specialized orthotics are part of the first treatment. You might require surgery for Morton’s toe if the discomfort is severe.

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Symptoms, Causes and Common Treatments
Morton’s Toe
- Swelling between the toes
- Pain in the ball of foot when weight is placed upon it
- Feeling as if you have bunched-up sock or small rock under the ball of your foot
- Sharp, stinging or burning pain between the toes when you stand or walk
- Burning pain in the foot
- Wearing high-heeled or ill-fitting shoes
- Participating in high-impact athletic activities
- Being born with born with flat feet, high arches or toes in an unusual position
- Preexisting medical conditions such as bunions or hammertoes
- An injury or trauma leading to nerve damage
Common Treatments
- Changing into more comfortable footwear and using orthotic insoles
- Reducing rigorous activities that strain the foot
- Using over-the-counter pads to relieve pressure on the foot
- Placing an ice pack on your toes to reduce pain and swelling
- Anti-inflammatory drugs injected into the skin